Previous Projects


Beyond Shadows

An intergenerational dance film celebrating the vibrancy of the many identities within our LGBTQ+ community. Part of LGBT+ History Month 2021 and made with Bradford’s LGBTQ+ communities. Supported by Bradford LIT and Kala Sangam.

This will also be part of a light exhibition at Kala Sangam in Bradford, in the near future!

Yuk digital residency.jpg


Exploring preserved pre-colonial queer identities in traditional song and dance in Mozambique. A digital research project with theatre maker Yuk Miranda in Maputo, Mozambique. Supported by Tramway Theatre and Kala Sangam.

HOME Newly A devised dance theatre performance made with young people from China and which toured France after premiering at the Avignon Festival. This is a short documentary of the process.

An Arts Space for Kids (A.S.K.) Production,

Choreographer and co-director: Vince Virr

Film Maker: PAN

Wuhan Jai You

As an artist in residence in Shanghai (China) with Arts Space for Kids (A.S.K.) I created a participatory dance to write Wuhan Jai You (Wuhan Be Strong) with your body which, was a national dance campaign in China with A.S.K. during the initial outbreak of Covid in China.

Sneck o da Smaalie

Vince created a follow along ceilidh dance to the Nevis Ensemble’s performance of a traditional Scottish song during Covid