Pop! full length performance at Edinburgh International Children’s Festival 2024

Pop! an Imaginate commission for the Edinburgh International Children’s Festival. A dynamic and vibrant dance duet between two males exploring adolescence. Designed for outdoor/non-theatre spaces with optional post performance audience interaction and/or community engagement and inclusion.

6x6 metres minimum. Performed in the round. PA system required. 2 persons on the road plus one theatre/staff member for sound/security.

Available for touring from August 2024. Contact vince@vincevirr.com for booking

Artistic lead and choreographer: Vince Virr

Devisors and performers: Vince Virr and KJ Clarke-Davis

Costume: Alison Brown

Music: Rival Consoles, Brandt Brauer Frick

Phootgraphy: Ruth Armstrong

Videography: Cédric Audinot and Vince Virr

Commissioned by Imaginate for the Edinburgh International Children’s Festival, supported by Platform Theatre, National Theatre of Scotland, Creative Scotland, Jade Adamson and Kala Sangam.